Thursday, September 22, 2011

Still Don't Think This "Internet-Thing" Is Catching On?

We talk to a lot of lawyers about how the internet, search engines, and a variety of other websites can a play a role in enhancing their professional reputation.

And yes, we still get a lot of resistance about the value of web marketing, search engine optimization, and social networking.


 In fact, one of the most common objections we hear from lawyers about web marketing is:
"My clients don't use the internet to hire lawyers." Really?

In my experience, most of the time that lawyers draw the conclusion that their clients don't hire lawyers from the internet, it's because they don't connect-the-dots about the ways that people use the internet.

Which is not entirely surprising. Have you ever watched someone else use the internet? If not, then your perspective about how others might use the internet is rather limited.

Nonetheless, you don't have to be an internet marketing expert to understand some of the most common ways people use the internet:
  • Research.
  • Get answers to questions.
  • Shop.
  • Vet.
  • Compare.
And once you understand some of these basic internet uses, all you have to do is apply them to your clients.

For example, let's say that you represent businesses. Do the people that make decisions about which law firm they are going to hire use the internet? How do they use the internet? Do they research issues related to running their business? Do they turn to the internet to get answers to their questions? Do they read online news? Do they subscribe to online industry publications? Do they follow industry-specific websites, blogs, or communicate with other industry leaders online?

If your clients use the internet, then you should probably consider how they use it and find ways to get in front of them online.

Now let's be clear. Is a business owner likely to type "chicago business lawyer" into Google and see who comes up? Probably not (although you might be surprised that some actually do). But they are very likely to use the internet to do research, get answers, and consumer a variety of information.

As a lawyer, your goal should be to demonstrate your knowledge of the issues that concern your potential clients and display that knowledge online.

And your website, how it is designed, what information it contains, and how well it demonstrates your knowledge, skill, and experience it just the beginning of developing an effective online professional presence.

Still think that your clients don't hire lawyers from the internet? Think again.

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